
What are buzzwords? These are words which are fashionable or often used in a business context to make people sound more professional or more knowledgeable. Most of the time these are unnecessary and a simpler use of language would be clearer.

However, in English-speaking business contexts you might meet people who use these phrases. This is a series of short videos clarifying the meaning of some of the most common buzzwords, so you can make sense of them when you meet them 'in the wild'!

What are Buzzwords? Why should you know about them? This video introduces our series explaining Buzzwords that you might hear in various English-speaking business situations.

What is a Core Competency? When do people say it? What does it mean? Part 2 of the Buzzwords Series from will explain this phrase and help you understand what English speakers mean when they say it.

What is 'Buy-in'? What does it mean? When do people use it? Part 3 of the Buzzwords Series from will explain this phrase and help you understand what English speakers mean when they say it.

What is the 'cutting edge'? Is it different from the 'bleeding edge'? When do people say this and what do they mean? Part 4 of the Buzzwords Series from will explain this phrase and help you understand what English speakers mean when they say it.

What is an Action Item? What does it mean to 'action' something? In part 5 of the Dickson English series on Buzzwords, Craig will explain what people mean when they use these phrases.

What do people mean when they say "going forward"? In part 6 of the Dickson English series on Buzzwords, Craig will explain what people mean when they use this phrase.

What do people mean when they say "take this offline"? In part 7 of the Dickson English series on Buzzwords, Craig will explain what people mean when they use this phrase.

What does "scalable" mean and when do people use it? In part 8 of the Dickson English series on Buzzwords, Craig explains the meaning of the term "scalable".

What do people mean when they say something has "lots of moving parts"? In part 9 of the Dickson English series on Buzzwords, Craig explains what people mean when they use this phrase.

What do people mean when they talk about "Best Practice"? In part 10 of the Dickson English series on Buzzwords, Craig will explain what people mean when they use this phrase.

What are people talking about when they talk about "low-hanging fruit"? In part 11 of the Dickson English series on Buzzwords, Craig will explain what people mean when they use this phrase.

What is an 'issue' in a business context? What does it mean if a project is experiencing 'issues'? In Part 12 of the Buzzwords Series from Dickson English, Craig explains what this phrase means.

What do people mean when they say they want to 'drill down' on something? Craig from explains what 'drilling down' is, when people use it, and what exactly it means.

What does it mean to 'reach out' to someone in a business? In Part 14 of the Buzzwords Series from Dickson English, Craig explains what this phrase means.

What are people talking about when they use the phrase 'Window of Opportunity'? In Part 14 of the Buzzwords Series from Dickson English, Craig explains what this phrase means and how people use it.

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