Hier finden Sie alle unsere Youtube-Videos, die einige der am häufigsten gestellten Fragen abdecken, die wir während unseres Unterrichts erhalte. Wir hoffen, Sie finden diese Videos hilfreich, fühlen Sie sich frei, sie mit jedem zu teilen, von dem Sie denken, dass er sie nützlich finden könnte.
In this video, Craig explains when to use 'some' and when to use 'any'.
In this video, Craig explains what to say when meeting someone for the first time, and what to say when meeting people again.
In this video Craig explains the important differences between "Mustn't" and "Don't have to".
"Do you mind if I sit here?" - What do people mean when they ask this question?
In this video Craig explains the difference between adjectives which end in "ed" and the similar adjectives which end in "ing".
In this video, Craig explains how to agree with statements using "me too" and "me neither".
In this video, Craig explains the standard phrases used to make and answer telephone calls in English.
Addressing Women in formal emails and letters - when and why to use Miss / Mrs / Ms.
In this video Craig teaches you how to use the phrase "I'm sorry" and "I'm afraid" to give bad news in a polite and professional way.
Klicken Sie hier, um unsere Videoserie zu Schlagwörtern in englischsprachigen Geschäftssituationen zu sehen.